Tuesday 11 September 2012

Patience Is Outcome -

A young man who was always restless and anxious to see a wise man and asked, "How long will it take me to acquire happiness?" The wise man looked at the young man replied, "About ten years."
Hearing this young man was shocked, "So long," he asked incredulously. "No," said the wise man, "I was wrong. You need 20 years. "
The young man grew confused. "Why Teachers lipatkan two," he asked in astonishment. A wise man said, "Just think, in this case you may need 30 years."
What comes to your mind when reading the story above? Do you know why more and more young people were asked, the longer the time it takes to achieve happiness?
So, how do we get earthly happiness? As has been expressed, happiness will only be achieved if we want to search into. However, it's not all you can get for free. You must be willing to pay the price.
To make it easier we use the analogy of a shop. Name of the store is the "Gift of Happiness." There is no item called "happiness" because "happiness" itself is not for sale. However, this store sells all the items that are elements of happiness builders, among other things: patience, sincerity, gratitude, compassion, honesty, abandonment, and willing to forgive. This is the "stuff" that you need to achieve happiness.
However, different from regular stores, this store does not sell the finished product. Sold here is the seed. So, if you are interested in purchasing "patience" you will only get the "seeds of patience." Therefore, as soon as you get home you have to try hard to cultivate those seeds until it yields the fruit of patience.
Every seed that you buy at the store contains a number of issues that you must solve. Only when you are able to solve the problem, you will reap the fruit. Seeds sold at stores that also vary in degree.
"Patience level 1," for example, means facing traffic, or bus driver inconsiderate.
"Patience level 2" means facing arbitrary boss, or friend who gossipy.
"Patience is a level 3", for example, is facing child affected by autism.
Other menus such as "grateful."
'"Thankful level 1" is grateful in times of pleasure, while "grateful level 2" is grateful in times of trouble.
"Honesty level 1," for example, honesty in ordinary conditions, while "honesty level 2" honesty is under threat. Here's some of the products that can be purchased in "Happiness Shop".
Every product sold in the store vary in price according to the quality of the resulting character. TURN most expensive. IS "PATIENCE" Because Patience is the raw material of all kinds of products that are sold there.
The philosopher Thomas Paine once said, "What we obtain too easily certainly less we appreciate. Only the high price that gives value to everything. "
With this perspective as we face the problem differently. We will be friends with problems. We also would welcome any existing problems with joy because in every problem always contained "medicine and vitamins" that we desperately need.
By doing so you will be "thank you" to the people who have trouble you because they are "APPEARS" to help you.Reckless driver, an evil neighbor, boss arbitrary adlh opportunity to forge patience. Income that is barely growing opportunities For gratitude.
Noisy and rowdy atmosphere is an opportunity to cultivate concentration. People who are ungrateful for the opportunity to grow feeling unconditional love. The people who hurt you is the opportunity to cultivate willingly forgive
In accordance with the expression of this truth:
Exercising patience is the highest ascetic way
This means that gratitude is a part of the exercise of patience. By exercising patience means training gratitude, sincerity, compassion, honesty, abandonment, and are willing to forgive and others.
Just like in the concentrate, we have to go back to the original object, when the mind wanders everywhere both fun and sad. It means we are training PATIENCE. That exercise patience to Accept It Is. And I honestly have to say NOT EASY.

Monday 10 September 2012


Provision storage for materials and equipment penyipanan - work tools and procurement of skilled laborand protection of labor.
• All materials used meet the standards or in accordance with the technical specifications.• Brand alike to get great results
• Quantity and quality of the work included in the contract price shall be in accordance with theimages and terms - contract terms• undertakes add less part - the part of the image and the terms - the terms should beapproval of the Engineer• Contractor shall supervise and lead the work using the skills andfull attention.• As a leader one day - the day on the execution of the work, the contractor shall submitto an executor who is an expert in accordance with their expertise, and fully capableresponsibilities and always in place of work location.• Responsible For field workers, should mempelejari and understand all contentbestek and pictures so that no mistakes - mistakes both construction andthe quality of materials - materials that must be implemented.• When deemed necessary, before the Contractor to start with the implementation of apart of the job, her calculations required to submit calculationsimages that require Board approval.• Work should be organized with the participation of all materials - materials that bengunanneeded, manpower, equipment - equipment while transporting andso on.• Submission must be entirely the work in perfect condition.• To avoid damage to the work - the work being carried out during it,then the contractor must provide the means - the means sufficient for protectiondamage prevention.
During the Work Implementation Contractor obligated hold everything needed forsafety and welfare of the workers.Contractor is responsible for the security of the entire work including building materialsso the contract is completed and well received by the Employer.

If there is a difference image, images anther plans and detailed drawings, the imagesused / followed is detailed images.If there is a scale and size of the design drawing pictures does not match, then followed was a numbersize of the design drawing.When the number of measurements required and materials used in the RKS is not appropriatethe Figure, the RKS that followed.

At the time of the preparation of contractor must conduct repeated measurements and to holdusing Waterpas / theodolite / Altimeter.For the avoidance of doubt Construction, before each part of the jobimplemented, are required to obtain written permission from the directors of the field to be able to continuepart of the job periodically.


Includes cleaning of all plants / plant or any material that interferes with the activity ofwork to be performed.Installation materials Bouwplank use meranti 2/20, 5/7 in this case the pillarsBouwplank be strong and for the board must diketam smooth and flat on the top surface.
Stucco work / WALL• Scope of work• Work done on all installation Plastering brick, stone, and concrete slabswith a 1:4 mix ratio and a 1:3 mixture• Material Requirements• Material of sand, cement, water following the terms outlined in the article reinforced concrete.• Implementation Guidelines• Before plastering is done then:• Wall dibersihkandari all dirt.• Dindingdibasahi with water• Concrete surfaces to be plastered cement is rough so easily attached.• Scope of Work
• Installation of Red Brick dilakuakan ½ bricks for all walls, as shown inimage detail. And Using a mixture of 1:3 and 1:4 mixture• Material Requirements• Bricks• The quality of the type used brick red brick well.• Sand• Must consist of grains yangtajam and hard, level Lumpur may not exceed 5% by weight.• Cement and Water

Reinforced concrete is done by comparison 1PC: 2Pse: 3Kr
CementUsed Portland Cement Type I Portland cement according to standards that digarikan by AssociationCement Indonesia.Cement that has hardened in part or in whole in a sack of cement, is not allowedits use as a mixture.Storage in such a way so avoid damp areas so that the cement does not harden.Storage areas must be elevated 30 cm cement and the pile height of 2 m. Each cementThe new entry should be separated from the existing cement consumption of cement in order to doaccording to the order of delivery.
Sand ConcreteConcrete sand grains have to be sharp and violent, free of organic material, mud andlike and meet the grain composition and hardness in accordance with the terms of thePBI listed in 1989.
GravelGravel is used must be clean and of good quality, as well as having gradation and violenceaccordance with the requirements in Regulation 1989.The piling gravel with sand to be separated for the two types of material are not mixed.
WaterWater used to fresh water, not oil, sour times, salt / organic ingredientsor other materials that can damage the concrete or reinforcing steel.Iron ConcreteIron Concrete used is mild steel with quality U24Adhesion reinforcing steel should be protected from dirt, grease, oil, rust and other materials.


Iron rods should be stored off the ground and in the air should not be kept openin the long term.Bending and straightening reinforcing rods must be done in a state of cold. Reinforcementshould be cut and bent in accordance with the drawings and must seek approval from the board of directors.If the contractor is not able to obtain iron diameter corresponding to the picture, it can bewas performed onsite diameter closest to the record must have the approval of the Board of Directors.
Prints and referenceThe materials used for printing and reference should be used with thick begesting sengon2 cm and width as needed.
GuidelinesUnless otherwise provided in this RKS, then the rules used SKSNI T-15.1919.03.Contractor shall report in writing to the board of directors if there are differences in the acquireddrawing plans.For reinforcement diameter, number and spacing of reinforcement tailored to the working drawings and bestek
Concrete mortar.Transporting the concrete from the mixing place of the casting should be done withmanner approved by the board of directors are:Not result in the separation and loss of materials.Did not happen when binding a striking difference between a concrete and cast into the furnace.
Concrete CareConcrete that has been casted must be maintained in order not to lose humidity for at least 14 (fourfifteen) days, for the purposes specified proficiency level in the following manner:Used jute sacks are always basahsebagai concrete cover.The results were not good concrete work such as gravel nests, the surface does not follow the shape of thedesired, the emergence pembesian on concrete surfaces and other eligible lainyangtidak,must be disassembled back some ataus entirely by command of directors, for the nextreplaced or repaired immediately upon risk contractor.
Scope of WorkPlumbing and building construction and their complementary equipment that will be installed visible in the picturebestekPipes and equipment that must be installed pipes and good equipment, new, and in accordance with thedefined specifications, before and after installed pipes - pipes and equipment, especiallythe inner should be kept clean and should be examined further damage and cracksthat may occur.Cutting the pipe when absolutely necessary to do by the contractor with the approvalDirectors.Cutting the pipe should dilaksanakandengan appropriate tools / specific to the type / material posted,that really guaranteed penyambungannya good, according to the technical requirements / instructionsof the pipe mill in question.At the time of installation of the pipe, the pipe must diperhatikanbenar position that really really straightand on the right peil. Basic plumbing should lie flat and there should be no rocks or debrisdebris or other hard objects that allow damage to the pipe in the future.At the time of installation of the pipe, soil excavation for pipe placement should not be any water at alland the inside of the pipe must be considered clean again. Peil pipeline placement and theit to the face of the land / road asphalt shall comply with the plans. To check if thetheodolit or need to use a spirit level and was attended by the directors.If the pipe installation work is stopped, to prevent the entry of foreign objects and waterdirty into the pipe, the pipe ends must be sealed. Material used remedyclosed end of the pipe must be clean and free from oil / Olie terr or asphalt. If the incominginto a pipe trench excavation prior to installation resumes. Close of the ends of the pipedo not open it before the water in the pump to dry excavation.The connection pipe is only done in the dry stateTwists or bends (vertical / horizontal) without elbow / bend implemented in such a wayso the point of connection between the pipes must not be greater than permitted by the pipe manufacturerconcerned. For it will be given further instructions by the directors.


Change direction pipeline placement have a greater angle than the permitted must be carried out with the aid of suitable tools. To use a tee branching as needed.All pipe fittings such as tees, bends, and others were haunted blocks of concrete (1:2:3 concrete couples) in order to avoid the shifting of the device due to the water pressure arising. Big block armature adapted to pipe diameter (according to Figure).All the latter end of the pipe should be discontinued cover with Dop. Then given a brace to concrete (1:2:3 mix). This type of material and quality of the pipe:He GI ¾ "thickness 1.5 mm - 1.8 mmGI He was 1 1/2 "thickness 1.5 mm - 1.8 mmWORK public hydrantsSoil excavation, urugan sand and soil urugan customized with a picture that is in the plan document AuctionUsed Stone Couple times a 1:4 mixture and mix Couple Bricks used 1:4, and 1:4 mixture used PlasteringConcrete Buis couples using size U20 cm.Pipes used were GI Pipe Medium B with sizes ¾ "to Inlet, Outlet, Overflow and Pipe Ventilation.Occupation Faucet Stop Using Size ¾ "For General Hydrant Fibber Glass Using 3M ³ capacityREPAIR BACKIf the location of the job is the forest region. Should be maintained vigilance and caution in the use of fire. Either for cooking or other purposes workers. This laneways prevent forest fires.When it comes to forest fires around the project. Workers are expected to participate to help extinguish the fire along with forest officials.
CLOSINGWhen planning the work and the conditions (RKS) to descriptions of materials,To get a good result this work. Then the real parts included in this work, but it is not included or mentioned the word-for-word in this RKS, organized by the contractor shall be accepted as a "thing" mentioned.Other things that are not listed in these rules will be subsequently determined by the Technical Activities Executive Officer (PPTK) Where necessary repairs in this RKS.

Creating a 3D roof with Autocad 2007 and up

The next tutorial make a simple house, now we will give our roofs, this stage is that the harder stages, but it is actually easy to
• The first step into view VIEW> LEFT, and create a plan of the roof as shown below with the polyline command and OFFSET

• coming into view SE ISOMETRIS

• Give the thickness of the roof under the roof above 3.15 and 3.7 with EXT command

• Move the roof top of the elevation (3.15,0,0) so the view VIEW> TOP just as the picture below

• Log in to view SHADE> FLADE SHADE and play with 3D ORBIT, now we see there is an empty space that we must close the

• Now go back into the view VIEW> LEFT, previous change becomes 2DWIREFRAME display, create a polyline triangular mountains

• Log in to view the SE ISOMETRIS and give the size of the wall thickness of the mountains of 00:15 with EXT command

• enter again to display TOP VIEW and create a square with the Rectangle 3.4x6.15 and OFFSET to 0.15 (in the size of the wall to the roof top)

• Log in to view the SE ISOMETRIS and give a thickness of 2 to EXT command, then cut out with square square inside the command Subtract

• Move the rectangle to positions as shown below

• coming into view VIEW> LEFT and create a field as shown below using the polyline (note the location of the position at the bottom over the top)

• At any given thickness ISOMETRIS SE 4 with EXT command (thickness must exceed the width of the roof)

• Well now cut the roof beyond the wall to the field we had a command extrude subtract

• Now we check our roof to add bagian2 are still lacking, go to VIEW> SHADE> FLADE SHADE and play with 3D rotate, we can have 2 parts that we need to improve

• rotate the 3d rotate to get the display as shown below, and by using the toolbar click on the red line and arrows were red berries thickness of 0.45

• So the results are as shown below

• for the triangular mound edge is still lacking, coming into view LEFT VIEW and create a triangle with polyline as shown below

• give the thickness of the wall thickness of the EXT command 0:15 with the results as shown below

(If you do not fit the triangle position, set the MOVE command to match the position)
• Now create a chamfer as shown below

• give the thickness of the EXT command along the roof

• Click on all the walls of the house and make one with UNION command

• Now in view SHADE> FLADE SHADE we set up to display the command 3DVIEW Ca = 0; [Toggle (angle from)] = -75; D = 10; Z = 50, set by the PA to shift the position of the image.

Now the house is so ......................................... Thank you

How to Create Easy 3D Door Frame Using AutoCAD 2007 and up

AutoCAD is a software that is used for drawing techniques, for example, to design an architecture or construction (layout, look, cut, etc.). This software has the capability to image processing in the form of two or three dimensions.
This time I'm going to share a little story about the making of a 3D object using AutoCad doorframe 2007. Follow the following steps.
Step 1
Open your autocad worksheet. Then create a new workshe
Step 2
Set perspective view looks over the image section (top)
Step 3
Take a rectangle object, click one time on the work area, and enter a size 6 x 12, enter
Step 4
Melting image objects by using explode command. Click explode, the entire block object hit enter.
Step 5
Once objects explode, offset each side of the image gets the Offset with the size 4 is used to measure the thickness of the door with 4 cm. Offset by the additional use size 1 profile.
Step 6
Add circle and put it at the bottom right corner, this circle will form a profile section side sills.
Step 7
Then trim the parts that are not needed, click trim, right-click in the workspace, select the object to be in trim until the object becomes as follows.
Step 8
Objects that have been completed on the trim, and then merge back into one whole object using the command region. Click the region, the block object, press enter
Step 9
Then change the angle of view becomes SW Isometric drawings, reposition ucs into X. Click the X, press enter. Note the position of UCS now.
Step 10
Click the polyline object put in the corner of the previous picture.
Step 11
Draw a line straight up, type 210, enter then navigate to the right side with a size of 90, enter and down to the size of 210, enter.
210 = height of the door frame
90 = width of the door frame
Step 12
Click the extrude, click the object, press enter.
Type P, enter
Click the object height.
Step 13
If successful it will appear as follows.
Step 14
Change the visual style using the commands conceptual visual style.
Good luck, wait for the next Part................................................